Sunday 8 June 2014

Bird-box Stories & DofE

Many of you would have known that my blue tits have fledged, annoyingly when I was away in London! 
However, I have got just enough footage to put together a short youtube video including footage from my bird box camera, the bird feeders and the exterior of the bird box.
Please leave any comments or suggestions!

I have been walking in the Peak District on Bronze DofE this weekend which was nice. I took a small handheld camera to get some shots. The views from the top of the peaks (such as Mount Ore) were amazing and I got some photos of the various valleys and other mountains. As the peak district has many different habitats for wildlife, such as farmland, moorland, woodland and parks & gardens, it hosts a massive range of birds and mammals. I spotted a bird of prey ( I think it was a hobby), deer, rabbits, a buzzard, a grey heron, a cuckoo (on the practise expedition a while ago), loads of insects and lots of farm animals! Here are a few of my photos which I managed to take along the way:

This fly mimics the colours of a wasp to put of any threatening predators.

Wildflower Meadow

Blurred Version

A common blue butterfly 


It was very misty as we were climbing the peaks!

The wildflower meadows were wonderful!

Just sorting out my fox footage which was captured on my trail camera the other night!

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